Assemblage: C-PAP tubing, cut paper tassels, chrome paint, photo of stripes on covered plastic bowl, and measures 40" h x 16" w x 10" d. This is a 3-Dimensional, wall-hung piece. It has been wired and is ready to hang.


l love collage - it’s my primary medium. I create my own distinctive collage materials and search for innovative ways to express a range of different subjects, both abstract and figurative.

I love the excitement that comes with the collage process: the chance placement of elements and the accidental discoveries that lead me to explore new visual ideas. I enjoy the balance I can achieve between spontaneity and control, the organic and the geometric, between my emotional and my intellectual responses.

My inspiration comes from many sources. I have created series about my travels, my sleep apnea, fish, grids, US Presidents, objects and ephemera I collect, and about the environment.

Over the last ten years, I have also been exploring STRIPES. To date, I have completed over 100 compositions just about stripes, in ongoing 2-D and 3-D series.


Diedra Stone McGrory


Jeff Feeny