Being an artist is hard. We want to make it easier. With that in mind, we offer packet reviews, consultation appointments, and writing & design services. Please click on the links below for more information.
In the future, we’ll also be offering group classes on professional presence, cultivating social media, and artist lectures.
If you have an idea for a class or would like to present an artist lecture, please email us at Art4Everyone@PowellLaneArts.com .
This session is designed for in depth conversation, recommendations, advice, teaching of skills and career planning.
Goals of the session will be clarified in advance to make the most out of your time.
Sessions are available in either a 1 to 1.5 hour appointment or a 3 hour appointment.
Starting at $70.00
Consultation Service.
Postcards, Business Cards, Posters, and more… There’s a lot of promotional material that are needed to promote your career.
This service can also be used for website and social media image design.
These items include a half-hour design consultation.
PLEASE NOTE: This item does not include the cost of the print order. If you elect to have Powell Lane Arts order your materials, the best provider will be determined by consultation, and the cost will be assessed based on printing costs.
Starting at $100.00
Promotional Material Design.
This service is intended to give clear and concise guidance of your professional artist packet. It's essentially a dry run of an application for a grant, show, fellowship, prize, etc..
Via our website, you will submit your Artist Statement, bio, CV or Resume, 5 images and links to your website & social media (if available).
You will receive a response with an assessment within 2 weeks of submission.
$ 35.00
Artist Packet Review .
Creatives do a lot of writing, and even if you are a writer by trade, the changing styles and parameters can be a bit overwhelming.
We write Artist Statements, Artist Biographies, Artist Catalog Essays, Press Releases , CV/Resumes, etc.. We offer them in a variety of lengths and combinations.
These materials include a packet review and a 1 hour consultation.
Starting at $100.00