Artwork / Size (Inclusive of Any Framing) / Large (25 inches to 36 inches) Artwork Type Media Size (Inclusive of Any Framing) Extra Small (9 inches or smaller) Small (9 inches to 16 inches) Medium (16 inches to 25 inches) Large (25 inches to 36 inches) Very Large (36 inches or more) Price FilterTagCategoryPrice250.002,500.00250.002,500.00SortA-ZZ-AOlderNewer$-$$$$$$-$ Fly, Swim, Duck $2,500.00 Purchase Apron Strings $1,800.00 Purchase Trees $2,000.00 Purchase Sister bros $850.00 Purchase Rest $250.00 Purchase Questionable Ted $400.00 Purchase Dervish $1,200.00 Purchase Bubbles (Narrative) $400.00 Purchase Balance is in the Body $900.00 Purchase