On View: Saturday, 02.01.25 through Sunday, 03.16.25
Opening Party: Saturday, 02.01.25 from 3 PM - 6 PM .

A Show about Perception & Perspective.
Oh! And, Don't Forget: Secrets!

The words, "I Spy" conjure up so many different phrases including, "I spy with my little eye..." and even "Your next assignment should you choose to accept it..." or "Bond. James Bond."  But the truth is that Spying is just another word for seeing -- a thing we do a lot of in Visual Arts.  This show, I Spy, is about how we use perspective, perception and our visual language to create our work.

As artists, we have a unique view.  We manipulates perspectives, and challenge perception through abstraction, surrealism, optical illusions, surprising contrasts and colors, etc. We make works with hidden narrative and concealed focus.  But most of all, we all use the visual in surprising ways. This is a show about that.

Submissions for this show are now closed, but please stay tuned for more information on the featured artists who will be announced soon.

Need more info? See the video below for examples of how we view this show and the work.

I SPY! Video Explainer. :)