Encaustic Photo, 8 inches high by 10 inches long.
Encaustic Photo, 14 inches high by 11 inches long.
My work is a dialogue between my imagination, my curiosity, my imperfections and my desires. I express the tales of womanhood, sharing stories through form, color and texture. Manipulating my photographs to create scenes of fantasy. I am a portrait artist. I primarily photograph women and embellish the photographs with layers of beeswax, colored wax, painting and drawing. Adding wax for texture and color for mood changes the black and white photographs. Wax embellishes and veils my subjects and I draw to decorate and control the image. The ability to layer mediums and constantly change appearance and texture allows me to stray from reality and reach other places. I am interested in images from nature and designs that have floral and intricate forms. My work comes from my imagination- I pull elements together to tell a new story.